Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Silver Lining

Michael McCullough, QuestBridge’s Co-founder wrote an inspiring letter to student applicants which touched me profoundly. I’m reminded once again how fortunate we are to live in America, the Land of Opportunity. The beautifully written letter provides a lot of insights for all readers, especially for optimistic young students. Below is just an excerpt, visit the link http://bit.ly/M4Kajn to read the entire letter.

     “I should begin by saying that as a talented low-income student with an opportunity to attend an elite college, you are in no way poor. This is true no matter what your income is. I will explain why.

Only 1% of human beings are able to attend college—any college—even the worst one in the remotest area of the world. By simply aiming your life at college, you are already more fortunate than 99% of humanity.

But it gets better. As a talented low-income student, if you apply yourself and get the right advice, you can create the opportunity to attend a top-ranked American university. This gives you more opportunity than 99.99% percent of all students in the world. In other words, you will be offered tools and educational resources that only one in 10,000 people will ever have.”

---Michael McCullough, MD, QuestBridge Co-Founder and President

University of Notre Dame Quad

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