Monday, May 14, 2012

Cream of the Crop

Education has evolved through the years with the integration of modern technology. Click on the video below to watch the transformation of the classroom from past to future.

Last week I outlined the QuestBridge College Match process and the important dates associated with each step. On December 1, 2011, 321 exceptional high school seniors received the College Match Notification; they will receive a full scholarship which covers tuition, room, and board for four years at their chosen partnered colleges!

Out of 7,823 applications, 3,850 made it to the final round. The QB National College Match is extremely selective and applicants are evaluated on the following criteria:

·         Grade Point Average (GPA) and Rigor of Courses: Honors, AP, IB
·         Class rank: Over 75% of finalists are in the top 5% of their class.
·         Standardized test scores: The average test scores of past finalists are 1940 for the SAT and 30 for the ACT. SAT Subject Tests and AP test results are also considered.
·         Extracurricular achievements: Accomplishments, leadership roles, and community activities.
·         Essays: Most finalists' essays are well written and show intellectual spark, enthusiasm, and compassion for others.
·         Recommendations: Two Teacher Recommendations and Counselor Recommendation
·         Annual household income: Households earning less than $60,000.
·         Parents' level of education: Whether or not parents went to college
·         Extenuating circumstances: For example, working after school to help pay the bills, or caring for siblings while parents work.

Of the 321 National College Match award recipients:

·         78% were among the first generation in their family to attend college.
·         30% were 1st in their class.
·         84% were in the top 5% of their class.

SAT Score (CR + M)
·         12% scored above 1500
·         38% scored above 1400
·         68% scored above 1300
·         88% scored above 1200


·         28% had family income less than $20,000
·         69% had family income less than $40,000
·         96% had family income less than $60,000


  1. You must be so proud of your daughter!

  2. I'm blessed that's for sure! Rachel was an easy kid and I smile when I hear other parents talk about their own children and the challenges that they face.
