Tuesday, May 8, 2012


FACT: In 2010, QuestBridge's partner colleges offered admission and more than $100 million in financial aid to over 1,000 students who applied to the National College Match.

The entire QuestBridge College Match process lasted five months. I’ll never forget the day the QB application was due; the QB website was bogged down by many procrastinators. My daughter, Rachel, kept on receiving a failed message every time she tried to submit her online application. I was literally having a nervous breakdown! After repeatedly trying to “send” for three hours, it finally went through…Hallelujah!!! Later, we found out that many applicants experienced the same problem and the application deadline was extended one more day.

Important QB College Match Deadlines:

  • August:  QuestBridge College Match Application is available. The QB application is completed online through a “My Locker” Web page. Students “apply” and register with a user name and password.
  • September 30:  Application deadline is 11:59 p.m. Pacific time. Student submits application and supplemental materials (three essays, 14 short questions, two teacher’s recommendations, one college counselor’s recommendation, grade transcript, signed acknowledgement form, and SAT/ACT test scores)
  • October 12:  Student submits eight college choices in ranked order.
  • October 21:  Finalist Notification. Student is considered for Match Scholarship. Student must submit college-specific supplements and parents’ financial information. Student cannot apply early decision or early action to other colleges. College Match application is binding.
  • November 1:  College-specific materials deadline.
  • December 1:  Match notification. Applicants are notified whether or not they receive QB Match Scholarship.
Click here to view the process flow chart: http://questbridge.org/for-students/ncm-flowchart

Next week, I’ll reveal the QuestBridge selection criteria and what a QB Scholar profile looks like.

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