Tuesday, April 17, 2012

QuestBridge Experience

My goal is to reach low-income parents with academically gifted students. I believe that parents, grandparents, and guardians, play a significant role in influencing their child's high academic standards with hopes of them attending a reputable college. I remember the countless hours worrying about how to pay for college without any savings. Fortunately, it was through a postcard that I learned about QuestBridge and the college application process.
The journey began in the fall of 2008. I encouraged and assisted my daughter, Rachel, every step of the way during the QuestBridge application process by gathering the necessary financial documents and keeping track of the application deadlines. Like most high achievers, my daughter was busy with AP classes, varsity sports, and community service during this time. The entire application process was challenging and very time-consuming! I commend everyone that persevered and submitted all the required items during the college match process!
I would love to hear from you if you are a parent of a QuestBridge scholar or want to learn more about QuestBridge from a mom like me.  


  1. I've never heard of Questbridge before. I look forward to hearing more about what it is and how it assisted you and your daughter in her education. Anything that can help with education and making it easier is a blessing.

  2. Thanks for your comment! There are so many outstanding kids from low-income families that cannot afford to go to a top ranked university, and QuestBridge makes it possible.

  3. Hi, I am a QB finalist and my top pick is Notre Dame. What do you think made your daughter's application stand out? Thanks!

  4. Congrats on making it this far! Notre Dame is a wonderful university and I can't say enough good things. I believe my daughter's ND supplemental essay and answers helped her stand out. Don't be discouraged if you don't get the QB match notification - apply through regular decision. My daughter received early acceptance through the regular decision in December. The financial award was comparable to the Match scholarship.

  5. Hi - Congrats to your daughter! Notre Dame is my son's first choice school and he wasn't matched. Yesterday he got an email inviting him to move his application into early action instead of regular decision - did that happen for your daughter? I'm trying to figure out how hopeful I should be... Thanks for any input.

    1. The chances are very good! My daughter agreed to early action from ND and received her acceptance letter a few days later in the mail. Because early action is non-binding, she had time to compare financial aid awards from several colleges in the spring before the May deadline. I'm very excited for you and your son. Go Irish!

  6. Hello, I stumbled upon your blog while looking up information on Notre Dame's financial aid. I applied through the Questbridge process, was not matched, but was accepted to Notre Dame through Early Action. Notre Dame is my top choice, however, I am very worried about the cost without the guarantee of the full ride. I was wondering how good their financial aid package was without getting matched?

    1. That's awesome news! Notre Dame's financial aid package is comparable to the Match scholarship. As long as your financial needs remain the same all four years, the annual award amount should be approximately the same every year. Notre Dame meets 100% of all students' financial needs (including non-QB scholars). Go Irish!

  7. I don't know if you still check this, but I'll post anyway! :) I was wondering what QB-related financial aid shows up as on one's financial aid packet. (Is it just a combination of the University scholarship, Pell grant, etc.?

    Thanks and great blog post!

    1. The financial aid is awarded by the university based on your financial needs if you were accepted through regular decision. My daughter's scholarship was a combination of several university scholarships and a Pell grant. However, the Match scholarship may be structured differently depending on the university.

  8. Congrats to your family! I had question for you and would love your input on it. Is it better to apply EA to your top choice school or go through Questbridge 8 college match? We have received SAT waiver fees so they will already know that we are low-income. I hear that some people say you have a far greater chance for EA than doing college match with Questbridge but Questbridge is good if you have 8 schools that you really would like to attend, which we do. We don't want to lose the top school advantage of EA and also not get matched with any school. Any advice?
